The New Iraqi Bank Note
Another great note from moveon...
I sat at Peet's today, reading about the Democratic convention, thinking about the politics of the abortion issue. And my caffeinated mind began playing out my own views. I began to think about this divisive moral question from a spiritualist's perspective.
Here are the questions keeping me up tonight (I mean that literally - I have insomnia again):
Well, the records have been located. Now the question is what the heck do they say.
Bush moved to Alabama in May 1972 to work on a political campaign and, he has said, to perform his Guard service there for a year. But other Guard officers have said they had no recollection of seeing him there.
Last February, the White House released hundreds of pages of Bush's military records. Those records did not provide new evidence to place Bush in Alabama during the latter part of 1972, when some Democrats had said he was basically absent without leave.
This is almost funny, in a sad, sad way. Bush Tells Blacks, 'I'm Here to Ask for Your Vote'
This site is awesome. Since George is just a finger puppet anyway, put YOUR words into his mouth instead of Karl Rove's and the veep's.
So, I just want to be sure I've got this right. We want to throw Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest chess champions of all time, into prison for playing a game of chess??? Fill in your analogy of a much harsher crime (like, all of them) that went unpunished. This is just ridiculous.
Is anyone at all concerned that Cheney is still getting paid 150 grand A YEAR from Halliburton, even though he said he'd severed all ties?
This has to be one of the funniest damn things I've seen this week.
Thanks to a tip from my brother, I subscribe to a conservative newsletter, primarily to keep tabs on the "other" perspective. I try to stay open to other points of view so as to challenge and ultimately strengthen my own, a tactic I don't often see amongst conservatives.
I wonder if we would be able to form our own opinions without commentators, Faux News, Rush, NPR, and all the others giving us the proper perspective on issues. It seems to me when the news breaks, each "side" (and there can only ever, EVER be two sides) comes up with the official reaction to it, which is then perpetuated through the entire communications system of America. Congresspeople, newscasters, commentators, talk radio - everyone follows the proper line of analysis.
What if the media only reported the news? What if we were left to interpret it ourselves? What if we argued at the coffeeshop using our OWN opinions and not the words we read or heard from someone who analyzes these things for a living?
This occurred to me today as I listened to NPR - two editors / commentators discussed Sandy Berger's alleged theft of top secret documents from the govt archive. The official left-spin is that this investigation has been ongoing for months and has just now been leaked to the press, the day before the release of the 9/11 commission report. Obviously someone on the right leaked the story and blew it out of proportion to distract America's attention from a damning report. The right-spin is that Berger engaged in some incredibly suspicious activity, most certainly did not take the papers "accidentally", and is out of politics for good because of this. Now I don't know WHAT to think because I've already been polluted with predigested analysis.
Thank goodness for that - I have so many other things to worry about right now. It helps to have someone smart think things through for me.
Bush Withholds Key Records About National Guard
Support Alternet and get a copy of Outfoxed. WHAT A DEAL! This is like a twofer to me - supporting a great news site at the same time you're getting an incredible new documentary.
I got a SERIOUS case of deja vu when I read this: Measure to Outlaw Flag Burning Advances in Senate
Bush: 'I Want to Be the Peace President'
Iraq Requests Return of UN Nuclear Inspectors
Governor's 'girlie-men' remark stirs flap
I've been thinking more about what I can offer the planet, other than cynical and irate blog posts. My thoughts keep returning to my heroes and how their actions and vision inspired us to live up to our highest potential. There's the keyword: highest potential.
Sad, sad, sad. Singer Linda Ronstadt Ejected by Las Vegas Casino
I have an idea, let's invade Iran. It's just one country over - we won't even have to get out all them big ships and planes and things.
I'm sure I'm repeating myself now, but I'm just stunned at how crass, malicious, downright evil the GOP can go. This is from itself: In Case You Missed It: Michael Moore, Hezbollah Heartthrob - some bizarre and petty link between Michael Moore and a terrorist group.
GO BOXER!!! is a GREAT site for keeping tabs on what your elected officials are doing and contacting them. Also, members of Working Assets Long Distance can call their elected officials for free! Yet another great reason to join Working Assets. (Geez - I'm starting to sound like a commercial. This really is NOT a sponsored site. I promise.)
This is awesome. Be sure to sign the petition before or after you watch the video.
When John Kerry goes windsurfing, does he have secret service men surfing alongside him?
My little compassionate blog has not been too compassionate. I get stirred up as easily as the rest. I look for middle ground, for negotiation between ideologies. But it's like negotiating with the devil or, as Bush likes to point out when trying to patronize touchy feely libruls, negotiating with terrorists.
Bush Says His Re-Election Will Make America Safer - this has to be his ballsiest statement yet, just in case it wasn't yet blindingly obvious to the grannies in Podunk, Texas that he's using his make-believe war as a political ploy.
There's just something really fascinating about this for some reason.