Friday, July 23, 2004

Almost funny

This is almost funny, in a sad, sad way. Bush Tells Blacks, 'I'm Here to Ask for Your Vote'

It reminds me of the speech I heard him give to a southern black church. I was listening to NPR and couldn't see what he was actually doing, but it sounded like he'd read from a prepared speech, then step and explain in Very Small Words exactly what he just said. It's like he was talking to a class of pre-schoolers. He'd read a sentence (which was dumbed down to begin with) then stop and say "Now, what that's saying is that we're the good guys." I don't know if it's a withering disrespect for the intelligence of the black community or if he was trying to work out the meaning himself. Either way, it came across unacceptably patronizing and insulting.

Now, if only he'd let blacks vote so they can kick his ass out.


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