Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Pondering our highest potential

I've been thinking more about what I can offer the planet, other than cynical and irate blog posts. My thoughts keep returning to my heroes and how their actions and vision inspired us to live up to our highest potential. There's the keyword: highest potential.
I believe the actions we take and words we say should be in alignment with our own highest potential. That said, I have no idea how to make that happen. But it's something to become more aware of - I look out at the world around me and observe the crass messages that appeal to the bottom of our potential. Marketing images and messages. Buy me! Wear this! Consume! Political ads. Fear! Hate! Ruin!
What if we could somehow demand of our corporate and government leaders that they appeal to the higher potential of all of us? In an enlightened world, no doubt this would be done automatically, without even being aware of it. But in a world where we actually have to legislate against obvious abuse of human beings (anti-sweatshop laws, anti-slavery laws, anti-violence laws, laws, laws, more laws), then what sort of policy might enact virtue?
Impossible - for virtue is not the realm of law but of humans. It is up to us to demand virtue and integrity of our organizations. Corporations, government entities, all other entities through which humans come together, are nothing more than collectives of individuals. Assuming a disguise for the collective, a proxy entity that represents everyone at once, does not allow us to forsake basic noble values.
It is incumbent upon us to demand better from the image makers of our society. Forget non-whatever (no violence, no nudity, no drinking, no swearing, etc, etc, etc). Focusing on the non gets us just that - whatever we're focused on.
Focus instead on our highest potential. Imagine a billboard that speaks to our innate compassion. Imagine a radio spot that inspires us to do good for someone else. Imagine a leader that speaks to our collective hope for peace and opportunity.
We each have the power to create this in our society and in our lives. But we must focus on them. Demand them. Most important, live them.


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