Friday, September 24, 2004

come into the light, carol anne

Ok, now here's some cool shit: sungazing, also known as Living on Light. It's evidently one path to becoming a "breatharian".

Now, I don't know how authentic all of this is, but it sounds really cool. And one website said this one guy who's been doing it since '95 has been checked out by scientists and NASA, even! So it must be real! Seriously, though, I'm keeping an open mind about it. I'm about ready to try anything to whittle this belly down.

The reason I noticed this is because Sacred Space in San Francisco is hosting "HRM", the guy who's been doing this since '95. I'm half-interested in going but it looks like an all day thing and I've nekkid leatha men to gaze at on Folsom.

In other news, I've suddenly got the organizing bug up my ass. I signed up with a Reiki group on and, noting the lack of an organizer, jumped in. So now I'm organizing Reiki folk in the bay area. (And I've never been to a meetup meeting.) Then I searched craigslist for other Reikers (my term) and found a pocket that will hopefully join up. Then today, walking down the street, noticed "Reiki" in a window and decided to strike up a conversation with a total stranger, which is quite uncharacteristic of me. All in the quest for connection with cool people.

Because that's what this world needs. Like-minded souls, united in positivity, hooking up and amplifying that vibe into this munged place we live in. I don't generally consider myself a social person. And since I moved to California 4 years ago (as of today, in fact), I've cocooned myself from all the mean people here.

Not anymore. We've gots to risk it. Take a stand. Be real. Get the fuck out the door and be something that's going to help this world.

Tip for the day and note to self #1:
Keep a stash of food bars in the car, as in the "Clif bar" suggestion from yesterday. I keep pulling up to opportunities in the city to feed someone with an empty stomach and bad complexion. But I keep forgetting to put those damn Clif bars in my purse. Dharma points for good intentions? Don't think so.

Tip for the day and note to self #2:
Stop dating fucking drama queens.

Tip for the day and note to self #3:
Keep breathing, bitzchness.


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