Tuesday, June 15, 2004

WHAT is this man on???

Bush Touts Afghanistan as Model for Iraq

What exactly kind of model are we talking about here? The little city models that Godzilla stomped all over?

How to make the world safer for US: bomb an already impoverished country into oblivion until nothing is left but a decimated infrastructure, poverty and insanity, and oh yeah, the actual terrorists you were originally trying to bomb.

Let's face it, the bombing of Afghanistan was an abject failure on all counts. Reacting out of hate and fear, we've done nothing but disperse al-Qaeda all across Europe and the Middle East, slaughter well over 3000 innocent Afghan civilians, and waste yet more billions (though not nearly as much as Bush promised in reconstruction funds). The US, and the world, is no safer from these actions.

Anyone from Texas should know how hard it is to get rid of fire ants. If you see a mound of fire ants, do you kick it over? No - that just scatters the ants all over the yard. Bombing them with hot water works in the short run, but just drives them deeper into the ground, then out across a wider underground network. On top of that, it kills everything around the mound, as well. Anytime you attack fire ants directly, you end up with 10 new mounds instead of just one. You only end up helping the colony take over the whole yard.

The terrorist network is huge, but we had most of them concentrated in one spot. We blew our advantage and, in the process, destroyed the rest of the country and thousands of innocent lives. I'd say this is not a good model to follow in Iraq.


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